Advanced Senior Team Teach Trainer
Level One (6hr) course in positive behaviour support is available for individuals supporting children, young people and vulnerable adults in low-risk Education and Health and Social Care settings.
Provides individuals with practical, interactive training, designed to transform participants’ practice in the workplace, allowing those working in low-risk primary and secondary schools to understand and implement holistic behaviour support strategies.
The course will also cover documentation and legal guidance, as well as best practice when reporting and reviewing incidents.
8 modules in this course
1. Background to Team Teach
2. The Legal Framework
3. Understanding Aggression
4. How Feelings Drive Behaviours
5. De-escalation and De-fusion
6. Personal Safety
7. Positive Handling – mainly guiding and escorting safely (anything more please refer to Level Two)
8. Repair, Reflection and Review
Available as an in-house course or venue options.
Level Two course (12hour) in positive support is for organisations supporting children, young people and vulnerable adults with documented special needs or behaviours that pose a risk to themselves or others, in medium risk settings.
Available as an in-house course or venue options also available.